mandag 1. februar 2010

Alice i Coutureland

Nicholas Kirkwood har designet et par eventyrlige sko til det franske varemagasinet Printemps. Skoen kan sees i en utstilling inspirert av Alice i Eventyrland i varemagasinets vinduer. Blant de andre designerne som har designet hvet sitt vindu i denne utstillingen er Chloé, Christopher Kane, Ann Demeulemeester, Alexander McQueen, Bernhard Willhelm, Charles Anastase, Haider Ackermann, Manish Arora og Maison Martin Margiela

“I think my favorite Alice character is the March Hare. You can see I’ve made his watch rather prominent. This was a different design process for me, because I’m not usually so applicative—typically, I’m thinking about line, silhouette. But this time, I figured, why not just pile as much as I can on top?” —Nicholas Kirkwood

Fra Alice in Wonderland, med Mia Wasikowska i hovedrollen.

“My favorite character is the Duchess, who at first seems nearly as unpleasant as the Queen of Hearts. But she’s the antagonist of the queen, and at the end was only respectful and friendly, despite her tremendous ugliness. When I was designing this piece, I was seeing Alice running, escaping through the forest destroying her shiny dress.” —Haider Ackermann

Helena Bonham Carter som Queen of Hearts, den grusomme dronningen i Alice i Eventyrland.

Wonderful Depp i Alice in Wonderland.

Mia Wasikowska som Alice i filmen Alice i Eventyrland.

“Alice’s silhouette is a blue upside-down dress with cage sleeve, as if she walked through the mirror and her dress completely reversed. A long ball gown has been reworked, upside-down, into a minidress. The bustier in taffetas becomes a pleated miniskirt. The petticoat in plonge becomes an asymmetrical draped top. The skirt in ‘plumetis’ tulle becomes a veil. A cage sleeve of whale-boned velvet ribbon is embroidered with pearls, crystals, and recycled jewels.” —Maison Martin Margiela.

Anne Hathaway fra "Djevelen i Prada" spiller The White Queen i filmen Alice i Eventyrland.

“I went to John Tenniel’s original illustration of Alice for inspiration. She’s seated at a table having tea, and her dress looks much more asymmetrical and theatrical than that boring Walt Disney version. It was also an auto-reference to my collections, as Lewis Carroll’s work has been one of the main inspirations of my label since its creation. Alice Liddell, the real little girl with long dark hair who inspired Carroll, is one of the very few icons that I have. The pictures of her are a constant inspiration for me.” —Charles Anastase

Ann Demeulemeesters nydelige kjole i Printemps vindusutstilling.
“I’ve always been intrigued by cutout silhouettes. They are so intriguing, so poetic—the shadow of a soul. They tell everything about a character and they are open to be filled with one’s own imagination.” —Ann Demeulemeester

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